A WordPress plugin to generate Shortcode easily, create google adsense shortcodes, generate any shortcode, custom HTML shortcode, JavaScript shortcode, generate unlimited shortcodes, no options, easy to use.

Generate Shortcode Plugin Features

  1. Easy to use.
  2. Generate Unlimited Shortcodes.
  3. Edit Shortcode content at any time.
  4. No options.
  5. Compatible with Google AdSense or any custom HTML or JavaScript.

Plugin Installation

Download plugin, install it and activate it.


Go to “Gen Shortcode” menu, and click on “Add New”:

generate shortcode menu

Now enter your Shortcode Title and enter your Shortcode Content in the editor, and click on “Publish” button:

generate shortcode editor

Now your Shortcode is ready:

generate shortcode publish

Copy your Shortcode and paste it into your post, page, custom post type content, or text widget content. You can Edit your Shortcode content at any time.

Google AdSense Shortcode

To Generate AdSense Shortcode or to add any custom HTML or JavaScript in your Shortcode content, you must to use “Text” editor, like this:

generate shortcode adsense

Now never do not click on “Visual” button in this shortcode page only, but you can use Visual editor in other Shortcodes.

Download Plugin